QUEEN'S MORNING with North Russian Propolis* and Royal Jelly
Anti-aging cream QUEEN'S MORNING” was created by Russian scientist Sergey Popravko known for his research in the chemistry of propolis. He was the first who discovered the chemical composition of propolis and the sources of its origin in nature.The results of research were presented at international congresses in Apimondia: - at the XXII International Congress of Apiculture Apimondia in Munich (August 1969); - at the XXIII International Symposium on beekeeping Apimondia in Moscow (1971); - at the II International Symposium on apitherapy in Bucharest (September 1976); - at the III International Symposium on apitherapy in Portoroz (Yugoslavia, September, 1978) For the discovery of the chemical composition of propolis Sergei Popravko was awarded a personal Gold Medal of Karl Janush from the French entomologist Remy Chauvin at the Symposium on Apitherapy in Portoroz, 1978. Sergey Popravko was also awarded diplomas and awards of Slovak society of beekeepers in 1971-73. The research results of S.A. Popravko became the basis for the chemical identification of propolis and its sources in other countries of the world. S.A.Popravko opened that the source of propolis in the European part of Russia are balsamic substances from under-leaf buds of birch trees also named ‘’birch tears’’. Namely these substances give a unique flavor to the Russian bathhouse with birch twigs.
This type of propolis was called as North Russian Propolis also known as “Russian Penicilline” characterized its optimal content of natural antibiotics and antioxidants. These substances have of wide spectrum of protective properties. It is provided with combinations of components, such as: 5-7 types of bioflavonoids, phenolic triglycerids, unsaturated atomatic acids including p-coumaric, caffeic, ferulic acids and their esters forming together concentrated total activity.
Cream "QUEEN'S MORNING" contains all fractions of North Russian Propolis, including these compounds, outstanding for its antioxidant and antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. This complex of compounds forms the unique Natural Protective System of Living, kindly presented to human from the bees. Cream QUEEN'S MORNING also contains the strongest natural stimulator of skin rejuvenation - Royal Jelly. Using other metabolites beehive has enabled to create an emulsion “water-in-oil” especially good for deep penetration into the skin and having a high anti-aging effect without the use of any chemical or synthetic substances foreign to the skin. In composition of this cream is completely ruled out the presence synthetic and chemical additives. You can apply this cream to the thin and delicate skin around the eyes, lips, gums, mucous membranes of the body. The naturalness of this cream is the same as natural food that we eat and you can try to feel its taste. Application of this cream provides the ideal safety of skin at any age. This safety is provided with the same substances that during millions of years keep a sterility of beehive and its stocks, and protect gentle skin of bee larvae. The cream penetrates into the human skin as well as Royal Jelly is absorbed into bee larvae body via her soft skin in the honeycombs. The cream returns to skin biochemical qualities of young age. It feeds the skin cells with necessary components providing required level of skin metabolism. It is especially obvious for people older 45-50 years when concentration of sexual hormones in blood is reduced and both skin and body are under the danger of ageing and loss of immune properties which are responsible for "age illnesses’’, including so-called ‘’illnesses of century’’. Among them - the state of the vascular system.
First of all the cream easy removes a stress of skin and prevents the appearance of wrinkles. Cream restores the skin healthy glow and radiance.
The birth of cream is the result of the fundamental in-depth chemical and biological study of propolis and confirmation its complete identification with the formula of protective secretions of the dominant type of northern flora (the species Betula). This made it possible to separate out and identify some of the characteristic and biologically active compounds of propolis and then work with propolis of only a certain species or type of origin. The choice of the substances is of principle importance to make it safe to use on the skin as well as to exclude any unpleasant consequences to the person’s health in the future. An important advantage of this cosmetics, unlike other current directions like the “green” or “organic” cosmetics, the degree of naturalness of the cosmetics created in the laborabory of S.A. Popravko are the same as in the food we eat.
Propolis extract (northern Russian type collected from Betula Sp)*
*Confirmed by the presence of marker substances - 4 ', 7-dimethoxy-5-oxyflavone and its corresponding flavanone, 4,7-dimethoxy-5,7-dioxyflavone, ferulic acid and alpha-acetoxybetulenol - that are specific to this particular type of propolis.
Dr. Sergei A. Popravko graduated from Moscow State University, Chemistry Department, in 1960. He obtained his Ph.D from the Institute for Chemistry of Natural Compounds of the USSR Academy of Sciences for his work on tetracyclin synthesis under the guidance of Prof. M.M.Shemyakin. But the main focus of Dr. Popravko’s scientific career has been on the chemical composition and biological activity of propolis, a resinous substance collected by honey bees from plant sources. The results of his work were published in many peer-reviewed international journals, such as Bioorganic Chemistry, Chemistry of Natural Compounds, etc. and presented at several international conferences:
- XXII Apimondia International Congress in Munich, Germany (1969) - XXIII Apimondia International Congress in Moscow, USSR (1971) - II Apitherapy International Symposium in Bucharest, Romania (1976) - III Apitherapy International Symposium in Portoroje, Yugoslavia (1978) Dr. Popravko is an author of 5 monographies, 17 patents and over 100 scientific papers. His leading role in discovering the sources and chemical composition of propolis is widely acknowledged internationally. For his seminal work in 1978 he was awarded a Karl Janucz Gold Medal, a renowned French entomologist Remy Chauvin’s personal award. Dr. Popravko’s work was also widely publicized in numerous articles in both popular science magazines – “Chemistry and Life”, “Science and Life” - and the Soviet press - “Izvestiya” and “Trud”. In 1978 Gorky Film Studio made a documentary about Dr. Popravko and his discoveries – “An Almost Solved Riddle”. Dr. Popravko is also an author of three popular books about bees, their products and a vastly important role they play in the maintenance of ecosystems: “Protective Substances of the Honeybees” (1982), “A Honeybee on the Flower” (1982) and “Plants and Honeybees” (1985). In the ‘80s and ‘90s Dr. Popravko’s work became increasingly focused on applying his immense body of scientific knowledge towards the development of holistic, natural skin care and beauty products. In 1994 he received a patent for a novel emulsion based on hypoallergenic Northern Russian propolis and royal jelly. The culmination of this work was the formulation and national certification of a complete line of skin cosmetics based on bee products, in particular, the crème “The Queen’s Morning”. In 2008 this crème was entered into the Federal Catalog “Record Achievements of the Russian Federation” as a “qualitatively new phenomenon in the world of cosmetics” (certificate 08-0051 issued 24.12 2008). This line of skin care products is rapidly gaining popularity in Russia. In recent years Dr. Popravko has become keenly interested in developing and fostering measures leading towards the harmonization of relationships between humans and their environment. Deeply concerned by the worsening planet-wide ecological, economic and humanitarian crisis, he was inspired by his studies of the honeybee colonies and the way they interact with, serve and maintain their ecosystem. He became convinced that the root problem plaguing the society now is the flawed nature of the modern monetary system. Dr. Popravko came up with a possible solution to this problem by devising a novel, objective equivalent unit of value – a paper note without the face value but containing a sealed 1 gram strip of gold. This invention received a Russian Federation patent #2121442 on 20.01.1998 as an “independent unit of value”. The practical concepts and implementation of this new money system were further developed in Dr. Popravko’s books, “The Golden Thread of Russian Currency” (2000) and “Honey and Gold” (2012), as well as in the specialist literature – article “The new Liquid Gold” in the trade journal “Gold and Technology”, v18, #4, 2012. At the present time, Dr. Popravko is continuing his innovative work in holistic cosmetics and holistic finance through his company, “S.A. Popravko Laboratory”, that he founded in 1999.